I am actually trying to lose some holiday weight that’s accumulated over many holidays I think…. but in the meantime, while I am NOT purchasing clothing since I do plan on being thinner….. I can accessorize my current wardrobe with some jewelry and...
Well, my first-born is going to college this fall…. and we just got back from freshman orientation. I remember college as the BEST 4 years of my young adult life! So I should be excited for him, right? There are so many emotions. I’m proud as can be,...
New York City is so diverse! You really do need to spend a week there to get the full flavor of it! You’ve got Central Park… such a haven in the middle of all the concrete… there are always tons of people… running, walking and biking!...
Dresses are EASY for summer! Whether you work outside the home or not…. dresses are a fantastic staple for your summer wardrobe! They can literally be dressed up or dressed down with your accessory choices! Shown here with eSBe Designs Jewelry and you get a...
Are you tired of your wardrobe? Accessorize! It’s a sure-fire way to update that little black dress or that sweater! Whatever the wardrobe… the accessories give it that UPDATE! It’s all about the shoes, the handbag and the jewelry! For REAL! ...